Get Disk Serial Number


This is an instruction to find a serial number(S/N) of storage device including hard drive - HDD and SSD, as well as USB flash drive that is connected to a Windows PC. Product serial number is a unique identifier that allows us to look up information about your product and its warranty. Usually, the serial number is labeled on the drive's case. However, it is required that you disassemble your PC to see it. Here we will show how to look for the serial number with built-in Windows 10 tools.

  1. Get Disk Serial Number C#
  2. Get Disk Serial Number Windows 10
  • Getting Your Disk Serial Number Open a command prompt. If you are not sure how to open a command prompt, click the Windows Start menu, type cmd, and press Enter. In the Command Prompt window that opens, type vol c: and press Enter. In the displayed output, find the 8-digit number listed as the.
  • In the displayed output, find the 8-digit number listed as the Volume Serial Number for C drive. Make sure that the message is Volume in drive C is OS. The case of the letters is not important and no dash is included. In this example, you would enter 12abcd34.
  • What thatraja didn't mention, and probably doesn't know about, is that these methods don't work for all hard drives. Overall, there are I think 4 different methods for retrieving the hard drive serial number, so long as they are not in a RAID configuration.

Open a command prompt. If you are not sure how to open a command prompt, click the Windows Start menu, type cmd, and press Enter. In the Command Prompt window that opens, type vol c: and press Enter. In the displayed output, find the 8-digit number listed as the Volume Serial Number for C drive. Make sure that the message is Volume in drive C is OS. Querying disks with the PowerShell Get-Disk cmdlet. The serial number of the drive is 9VMNNJDN and it isn't experiencing problems, i.e., it is 'healthy'. I can also see the drive is 300 GB in size and and uses a Master Boot Record (MBR) partition scheme rather than a GUID Partition Table (GPT) as is used with drive number 2 on the system, which is a Western Digital (WD) drive.

Option 1: Find Serial Number in Command Prompt

Step 1: Open Command Prompt.

Press Win+R to open Run box, then enter into cmd and then hit Enter key.

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Step 2: Copy-paste the following command, then hit Enter key.

wmic diskdrive get Model, Name, InterfaceType, SerialNumber

Step 3: You will now see the model, name, and serial number listed for your hard drives.

The Name will give you the physical drive number that is the same disk number in Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) to help the ID drives.

Option 2: Find Serial Number in Powershell

Step 1: Open Windows Powershell.

Get Disk Serial Number C#

Step 2: Enter the command below into PowerShell, and press Enter.
Get-WMIObject win32_physicalmedia Format-List Tag,SerialNumber

Step 3: You will now see the tag (name) and serial number listed for your hard drives.

The Tag will give you the physical drive number that is the same disk number in Disk Management (diskmgmt.msc) to help the ID drives.

Scan QR Code

Get Disk Serial Number Windows 10

Some of our drives have the QR code printed on the label. Each QR code is unique and is associated with that drive S/N. This code allows customers to verify if the product is genuine, it provides the ability to check warranty or to get more information about the drive.

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